Tag Archives: pearl harbor

What the Ukraine War and Pearl Harbor have in common

“Yesterday, Decembuh seventh, nineteen fawty-one, a date which will live in infamy…”

I first heard that speech on television in the 1970s during a special promoting the official myth. You couldn’t pull it up on your phone whenever you wanted as I did just prior to this writing. My father remembered first hearing the news Pearl Harbor had been bombed and either hearing the speech live on radio or shortly after in a movie theater newsreel.

Like most people, no one in my family had any reason to question FDR’s assessment of the attack as “dastardly and unprovoked.”

It was certainly dastardly, but not unprovoked. Nor was its provocation unprecedented. FDR had employed a strategy with a long tradition among American presidential administrations seeking a casus belli while not wanting to appear the aggressor. Roosevelt wasn’t the first and wouldn’t be the last to execute this strategy.

Read the rest on Tom’s Substack…

Tom Mullen is the author of It’s the Fed, Stupid and Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From? And What Ever Happened to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

WWII was a disaster for Western Civilization

Bob Dole passed away last weekend. I never voted for him but offer condolences to his family. He had a long life of over 98 years, 35 of which he spent in the U.S. Congress (8 years House Rep.; 27 years U.S. Senator).

He was also a WWII veteran who was seriously injured during the war, suffering permanent loss of the use of his right arm and lifelong numbness in his left.

His death has provided one more opportunity for the childish glorification of WWII. Today being the 80th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack will inspire more still.

Down the memory hole has gone the reality that FDR provoked Japan’s foolish attack with an oil embargo, ostensibly for Japan’s treatment of the Chinese. This just a few decades after FDR’s own cousin, the equally-as-awful Teddy Roosevelt, encouraged Japan to go into China in the first place.

In reality, Roosevelt was just looking for a reason to get into the war against Germany. Japan merely provided a convenient vehicle.

This wasn’t the first or the last time the D.C. Empire allied with an authoritarian regime only to turn on it later. That’s more like business as usual.

We hear a lot about political correctness and applaud people who refuse to be censored. Well, here is some real politically incorrect talk that will have most conservatives running for a safe room:

WWII was not a triumph of good over evil. It was a disaster from which Western Civilization has never recovered.

Too many people look fondly on “the good war” as if it represented the west at its best. That this is how Bill Kristol thinks should tell you there is something very wrong with this reasoning.

War is always and everywhere a disaster. It is government at its apex, meaning civilization is at its nadir. This one was no different.

Yes, the Nazis were defeated and that was a good thing. But at what cost? Why was handing half of Europe to the brutal Soviet Empire for 46 years better than handing it to the Nazis? The Soviets killed far more people, albeit over a longer time period. Why do communists always get a pass?

Woodrow Wilson had hoped WWI would result in his regimentation of the economy and American life becoming permanent. It didn’t. WWII did. The war resulted in the U.S. becoming a permanent garrison state while most of Western Europe descended into socialism, only pulling back from it slightly at the end of the century to avoid becoming failed socialist states themselves.

I disagree with Pat Buchanan about quite a bit, but not on foreign policy during the past 30 years. He convinced me WWII could have been avoided without allowing Hitler or Stalin to conquer vast amounts of territory.

That’s why I highly recommend Churchill, Hitler, and “The Unnecessary War”: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. I won’t spoil the book for you, but I will say it is exhaustively researched, packed with primary sources, and very well written.

Take my advice on this one; read Buchanan’s book. Disabuse yourself of the lie that there was anything good about the “good war.” It will help you wholeheartedly support what really needs to be done.

Tom Mullen is the author of It’s the Fed, Stupid and Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From? And What Ever Happened to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

Pearl Harbor: The Day the Tyrant FDR Succeeded in Getting the US into WWII

pearlToday is the 77th anniversary of the day the tyrant FDR succeeded in getting the U.S. into WWII, over the wishes of the people who elected him. Ironically, Roosevelt’s excuse for seizing Japanese assets and cutting off their oil was Japan’s brutal occupation of China, begun with the support and encouragement of Roosevelt’s own cousin just a few decades earlier, as the late William N. Grigg explained. Thus did Franklin Roosevelt goad Japan into the foolish attack that would eventually lead to the end of the empire Teddy Roosevelt encouraged them to build.

This was one of the more momentous in a long list of examples of Washington, DC cozying up to authoritarian powers and then turning on them when they no longer served DC’s purposes. Americans of this century might remember the Muhadajeen, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Ghaddafi, etc.

Tom Mullen is the author of Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From? And What Ever Happened to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? Part One and A Return to Common Sense: Reawakening Liberty in the Inhabitants of America.