Thought for the day: Here’s a compromise I’d be willing to make with the left on the USA imitating a European welfare state: We’d imitate Switzerland. That means:
- An extremely limited central government with very low central government taxation (about 11% of GDP)
- Each canton/state decides how generous its welfare benefits will be and taxes its citizens accordingly. There is no national health care or centrally-mandated benefits.
- Firearms are not only considered a right, but a responsibility (although we wouldn’t mandate militia service – we have plenty who would volunteer)
- Nonintervention in foreign affairs in the proud Swiss tradition that even WWII was unnecessary (which it was)
I think that’s fair. How about it, lefties?
*Photo by Orbex
Tom Mullen is the author of A Return to Common Sense: Reawakening Liberty in the Inhabitants of America.