Guest bio:Jason is an award-winning producer and director of documentary films with over a decade of commercial filmmaking experience. He has worked with A-list talent and celebrities, like Academy Award winning actor Richard Dreyfuss, U.S. Senators, and presidential candidates. He has also worked with global brands such as Aston Martin, Toyota, Mazda, and Mercer. Lately,...
Guest bio: Dr. Murray Sabrin retired from Ramapo College on July 1, 2020 as Professor of Finance. On January 25th, 2021, the Board of Trustees awarded Dr. Sabrin Emeritus status for his scholarship and professional contributions during his 35-year career. His book, Universal Medical Care: From Conception to End-of-Life: The Case for a Single Payer System, calls...
Summary: Most people were led to believe during their schooling that the Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony suffered and starved for the first few years because they just didn’t know how to survive in the New World. It wasn’t until Squanto taught them to put a dead fish under each cornstalk that they grew enough corn...
Guest bio: Daniel McAdams is executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity and Co-host of the Ron Paul Liberty Report. He served in Ron Paul’s Congressional office in Washington as a foreign affairs and defense advisor. Guest Links: Additional Reading: Free Gift from Tom: Download...
Guest bio: After winning the Green Card lottery, Carla Gericke left the plains of Africa for a better life in America. Before then, she finished boarding school when she was sixteen years old, and law school when she was 21, working as an attorney in South Africa and California. Carla is author of The Ecstatic...
Tom Mullen has been writing about freedom for over a decade. He is the author of Where Do Conservatives and Liberals Come From? And What Ever Happened to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? and A Return to Common Sense: Reawakening Liberty in the Inhabitants of America. His writing has been featured in Newsweek, The Huffington...
Guest bio: James Ostrowski is a trial and appellate lawyer and author from Buffalo, New York. He graduated from St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in 1975 and obtained a degree in philosophy from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1980. He graduated from Brooklyn Law School in 1983. In law school, he was...
Guest bio: Kevin R. C. Gutzman is the New York Times best-selling author of five books, including the new Thomas Jefferson—Revolutionary: A Radical’s Struggle to Remake America , a History Book Club Selection. Gutzman is Professor and former Chairman in the Department of History at Western Connecticut State University and a faculty member at . He holds a...
Guest bio: Robby Dinero has trained athletes of all ages for nearly 20 years. Alpine trekking, nordic skiing, rock climbing, amateur boxing, Olympic weightlifting, rugby, full marathons, sprint triathlons, fitness competitions; he has an incredibly wide breadth of experience in sports, training, and coaching. An infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps for nearly 14 years, Coach Robby...