
Summary:CNN reports the Biden administration is “shifting strategy” to combat Covid-19. But the new strategy and CNN’s reporting of it reveal both encouraging and discouraging signs of where the Covid Regime may be headed in 2022.Links:Biden administration signals pandemic strategy shift in the face of OmicronUNICEF: An additional 6.7 million children under 5 could suffer...
Summary: The media would have us believe the Omicron variant of the SARS-COV-2 virus is a major threat from which only a third vaccine dose can save us. But while their reporting is almost entirely unreliable on any one subject, sometimes comparing what they report on one issue sheds light about the truth of another....
Summary: Politicians and bureaucrats who claim lockdowns and mask mandates slowed the spread of Covid-19 have no explanation for Florida, Texas, Iowa, Sweden, and dozens of other jurisdictions that did not impose the policies or discontinued them over a year ago. One reason might be that evidence for the primary justification for these policies just...
Guest bio: Suzanne was born and raised in California, and having spent most of her life there, she moved to Utah to live a life of preparedness and self-reliance. She helps people achieve preparedness in all aspects and is the author of The Lost Frontier Handbook and hosts a podcast called The Red Hot Chilly...
Summary: There are some signs of hope that Coronasteria may be coming to an end. If the Omicron variant turns out to be more contagious and less lethal than previous versions of the virus, it may do for the population what the vaccines have failed to do. But the damage may already be done. The...
Guest bio: Spike Cohen is a successful business owner, Libertarian activist, and media figure. As the 2020 Libertarian Party candidate for Vice President, coming in third place in the 2020 election, Spike traveled across the nation by plane and bus and met tens of thousands of Americans to share the message of Liberty with them....
Guest bio: Eric Peters is widely known as “The Libertarian Car Guy” for his writing on how the government attacks our freedom through regulation of automobiles. But his lively pen and keen insight go far beyond the automotive. His latest article concerns a disturbing similarity between the way the Covid Regime in the U.S. is...
Summary: The Kyle Rittenhouse and Ahmaud Arbery cases both involved private citizens providing what some people would argue are services reserved to the state. These same people would no doubt point to these cases as reasons why a stateless society would not work. But do they represent typical behavior in a stateless world? Additional Reading:...
Guest bio: Kerry McDonald is a Senior Education Fellow at FEE and author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom (Chicago Review Press, 2019). She is also an adjunct scholar at The Cato Institute and a regular Forbes contributor. Kerry’s research interests include homeschooling and alternatives to school, self-directed learning, education entrepreneurship, parent empowerment, school choice, and family...
Guest bio: Gary Dickson became the first Republican Town Supervisor of West Seneca, N.Y. in 50 years when he was elected in 2019. As of the 2021 election, Republicans are also in the majority on the West Seneca Town Board. Guest Links: Gary A. Dickson Town of West Seneca Additional Reading: “We will not comply:”...