Summary:Jay Powell said in December 2021 that the Fed would target federal funds interest rate of 0.9% by the end of 2022. But in the past week, several other Federal Reserve Board members have spoken out, with President of the St. Louis Fed James Bullard calling for the rate to reach 1.0% by July 2022....
Summary: As a follow up to Episode 34 You and I Would Go to Jail for Running a Scam Like Social Security, Tom answers some questions e-mailed in response to the episode and points out how both Social Security and the Federal Reserve System intentionally misuse financial terms to deceive the public. Links: But I...
Summary: The libertarian philosophy based upon self-ownership and the non-aggression principle leads one to political positions like legalizing prostitution, gambling, and other victimless crimes. This begs the question: can one be a devout Christian and a libertarian at the same time? Doug Stuart and Kerry Baldwin of the Libertarian Christian Institute join Tom to discuss...
Summary: Since 2020 we’ve learned how important it is that we still live in a federal republic rather than a monolithic nation state. If things get too bad in your state, you can vote with your feet and many Americans have over the past two years. However, you can also make a difference at the...
Summary: President Biden says the U.S. will not go to war over Ukraine, even if Russia invades, and is not planning on admitting Ukraine into NATO “in the next ten years.” But the administration is still playing a dangerous game by refusing to completely walk away from the conflict. Daniel McAdams from the Ron Paul...
Summary: Economists talk about the Social Security “Trust Fund” and politicians sometimes even demagogue about their colleagues “robbing the trust fund.” But once you understand what the so-called trust fund really is, there is plenty more to be angry about than politicians supposedly robbing it for other government boondoggles. Prepare to be very angry. Links:...
Summary: The U.S. economy supposedly added almost a million jobs December 2021 – January 2022, but the stock markets continue to decline. What are investors seeing that government bean counters are not? As usual, It’s the Fed, Stupid. Links: BLS Jobs Reports Fed will aggressively dial back its bond buying, sees three rate hikes next...
Summary: Fauci, Walenksy, and other “public health experts” are slowly moving towards positions people previously banned from social media and polite society held since the beginning of the pandemic. But they’re trying to reconcile them with their crumbling narrative that lockdowns, mask mandates, and the vaccines were highly effective against Covid-19. Links: Fauci Finally Admits...
Summary: Politics has invaded every aspect of American life and the casualties have included entertainment. Comedy is no longer funny, entertainment award shows are unbearable, and Alan Mosely’s favorite genre, late night talk, has lost its soul. He joins Tom to discuss his own late night show, It’s Too Late with Alan Mosley, and his...
Summary: Like the country as a whole, libertarians are divided on immigration. And while only private property borders are legitimate in a perfect world, the constitutional solution may be one everyone can at least live with. Guest bio: Suzanne Sherman was raised in California and having spent most of her life there, she moved to...