
Summary:Mark Crispin Miller taught a course on propaganda for over 20 years at New York University, until merely suggesting his students look into the research regarding the effectiveness of masks in mitigating the spread of respiratory viruses. This led to a backlash that eventually resulted in the course being canceled. How convenient for the propagandists....
Summary: President Biden has announced a ban on Russian oil imports into the United States. He acknowledges this will hurt American consumers but promises to ease as much pain as possible by punishing American gasoline providers. We’ve been here before. Additional Reading: The Government Declares War on Market Prices Just When We Need Them Most...
Summary: Now that the Covid-19 restrictions are being lifted, people are likely thinking they can get back to pursuing happiness. But what is happiness and how does one go about attaining it? In his new book, How and How Not to Be Happy, J. Budziszewski applies his lifetime of study to answering those questions, while...
Summary: Jay Powell again admitted the Federal Reserve was wrong on inflation, believing it to be “transitory” last year but realizing it is anything but transitory. He says he’s committed to fighting it, but with merely a .25% rate cut this month and no reduction in the Fed’s massive balance sheet. But if the economy...
Summary: There are myriad lists of best and worst presidents in U.S. history compiled by historians. Typically, presidents who helped expand the power of the federal government, led America into a major war, or both, are found at the top, while those whose governance benefited their constituents the most are found at the bottom. Warren...
Summary: The United States spends more on its military than the next ten nations combined. The vast majority of this spending does not go towards hot wars, but rather to maintain the worldwide standing army that includes hundreds of thousands of troops stationed outside U.S. borders. But as the NATO response to Russia’s invasion of...
Summary: Every traditional and social media outlet is flooded with one story: President Putin of Russia is absolutely evil for invading Ukraine “for no reason,” while President Zelensky of Ukraine is a gallant hero for bravely standing his ground to resist. But when you remove the emotionally charged packaging, the situation in Ukraine looks very...
Summary: So divisive have American politics become that conservatives and liberals now openly talk about “national divorce,” meaning dissolving the existing union to allow red and blue states to either govern themselves or join smaller, likeminded federations. While there is nothing wrong with considering this solution, one less daunting may be staring Americans in the...
Summary: They changed George Washington’s birthday to “Presidents’ Day” to honor all the presidents, no matter how terrible they were, especially Lincoln, who was one of the worst. The holiday is usually accompanied by many best/worst president’s lists as seen by historians. Not surprisingly, you can read these backwards and they make much more sense....
Summary: While thousands of Canadian truckers fight vaccine and mask mandates in Canada and cities, states, and nations begin repealing Covid restrictions amid public pressure, New York’s unelected governor continues to require schoolchildren to be masked. Attorney Jim Ostrowski of Buffalo is taking her and every complicit school district to court. Guest bio: James Ostrowski...