
Summary:For decades, Republicans promoted free markets and freedom of association. But censorship on social media has the new Republican Party calling for government regulation of Big Tech companies, based on reasoning previously associated with the left. Norm Singleton of the Market Institute joins Tom to discuss. Guest Links:Norm’s RealClear Markets ColumnsNorm’s Libertarian Institute ColumnsAdditional Reading:Conservatives...
Summary: Prices are rising faster than they have in decades and the Biden administration has a host of scapegoats – Covid-19, Vladimir Putin, and, when all else fails, the old, Keynesian canard about the economy being too strong and “overheating.” Chris Rossini of the Ron Paul Institute joins Tom to discuss the real reasons prices...
Summary: Out of Christian theology comes the concept of “felix culpa,” which translates as “happy sin” or “fortunate error.” This is the idea that sometimes negative events end up causing positive results. Are there any potentially positive results from the Covid Regime, Big Tech censorship, or other 21st century disasters? Additional Reading & Listening: Federal...
Summary: Most people at some point experience an aging parent or grandparent confronting hearing loss and are surprised to find out how expensive treating it with hearing aids can be. While some of that cost is justified, the government makes treating hearing loss much more expensive than it otherwise would be and eliminates lower cost...
Summary: The communist regimes in Russia and China had a long history of developing biological weapons. While the rest of the world has disarmed biologically, Putin and Xi have maintained biological weapons programs for which the rest of the world is not prepared, say authors John O’Neill and Sarah Wynne in their new book, The...
Summary: For many decades, conservatives have complained that their elected representatives at best merely slow down the advances made by the left. But in the wake of the Covid-19 phenomenon, the right has definitely gone on offense. This is a double-edged sword for opponents of progressive big government. Additional Reading & Listening: Wave of Conservative...
Summary: The term “conspiracy theory” is used as a sledgehammer to try to discredit assertions without confronting their merits. The truth is people conspire all the time. These include politicians and connected academics and businesspeople. But their conspiracies have no teeth if the public makes the right choices when the opportunities come. Additional Reading &...
Summary: People tend to think of capitalism and labor unions as inherently antagonistic towards each other. But they’re not. It was actually a very anti-capitalist law passed as part of the New Deal that changed the nature of the employment contract and destroyed the natural buyer-seller dynamic that would otherwise emerge. Additional Reading & Listening:...
Summary: We don’t say someone’s right to life is violated if they die in an earthquake or flood. Why? Because the right to life is much narrower than that. Properly understood, the rights to life and to possess firearms and other deadly weapons are inseparable. And despite Supreme Court decisions to the contrary, the Second...
Summary: Elon Musk offered to buy 100% of Twitter. All who have decried the censorship of dissenting views on social media is hopeful he will be successful in acquiring the company and changing its policies. This would be a far better and more satisfying solution than violating Twitter’s property rights with regulation. Additional Reading &...