
Summary:Social media and other Big Tech companies claim to be fighting “hate speech” by censoring content and sometimes even banning controversial people from their platforms. Is this fascism and how can libertarians and other defenders of private property fight this without sacrificing their principles? Jason Rink joins to discuss this and his new film, The...
Summary: The world attributes much of the social and economic damage it is experiencing now to the Covid-19 pandemic. But like the 9/11 attacks, the government response to this virus was far more harmful than the disease itself. And the international elites driving this agenda have even more disturbing plans for the future says Dr....
Summary: Juneteenth celebrates the proclamation read in Galveston, TX on June 19, 1865, enforcing the Emancipation Proclamation in that state. While the abolition of slavery is true cause for celebration, Lincoln gets too much credit for what was by his own admission merely a “war measure,” and not enough blame for an unnecessary war. Additional...
Summary: For thousands of years, what we now call “science” has been a boon to humanity. But today, science is in real trouble. Increasingly, social and political pressures threaten the integrity of scientific inquiry, leading to disastrous conclusions. Dr. John Staddon joins Tom his new book on this crisis, Science in an Age of Unreason...
Summary: No matter who is president or which party controls Congress, federal spending almost always goes up. But what combination of Republican or Democrat president and Congress has grown government the least? The answer may surprise you. Additional Reading Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary Party Government Since 1857 Free Gift from Tom: Download a free...
Summary: On Friday, stock markets sold off sharply on news that inflation still hadn’t peaked as May 2022 numbers indicated an 8.6% year-over-year rate. Tom Luongo has long maintained there is more going on than simple Keynesian policy-setting. Jerome Powell and the interests he represents want to free the U.S. banking system from European control...
Summary: After fourteen years of almost uninterrupted inflation of the money supply and near-zero interest rates, the Federal Reserve is talking tough on a tight monetary policy. But don’t look for a repeat of 1979, says economist Thomas Eddlem. Price inflation and real interest rates matter. It may be more like 1979 than 2009. Guest...
Summary: The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States but has failed to become a significant threat to the two major parties. The Mises Caucus believes the party needs a bolder, more principled message to take the next step. Their candidates won the chair and every voting board member seat...
Summary: The end of quantitative easing (QE) and modest interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve has already sent stock markets into correction territory. But this month, the Fed is supposed to begin quantitative tightening (QT). That could have dramatic effects on financial markets and the economy if Jerome Powell doesn’t reverse course. Additional Reading...
Summary: As with Covid, the Ukraine War, and inflation, everything the government and media tell Americans about the Second Amendment is false. It’s time to stop playing defense and go on offense to get the right to keep and bear arms protected the way the founders intended. Additional Reading The Anti-Federalist Papers “And what country...