
Summary:The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States but has failed to become a significant threat to the two major parties. The Mises Caucus believes the party needs a bolder, more principled message to take the next step. Their candidates won the chair and every voting board member seat at...
Summary: The end of quantitative easing (QE) and modest interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve has already sent stock markets into correction territory. But this month, the Fed is supposed to begin quantitative tightening (QT). That could have dramatic effects on financial markets and the economy if Jerome Powell doesn’t reverse course. Additional Reading...
Summary: As with Covid, the Ukraine War, and inflation, everything the government and media tell Americans about the Second Amendment is false. It’s time to stop playing defense and go on offense to get the right to keep and bear arms protected the way the founders intended. Additional Reading The Anti-Federalist Papers “And what country...
Summary: With the establishment floundering and its propaganda machine on overdrive trying to keep anyone from noticing, nothing seems to be looking up but food and energy prices. Alan Mosley joins Tom to sort through it all and share some exciting news about his show, It’s Too Late.    Guest Bio: Alan Mosley is a...
Summary: It’s been two months since Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times reporter Matthew Rosenberg told Project Veritas that there were “a ton of FBI informants among the people who attacked the Capitol” on January 6th, 2021. One would think the Congressional Committee investigating the so-called “insurrection” would be interested in his statements. So far,...
Summary: Reason and the record of history both lead us to the conclusion that protection of private property and free markets result in the best outcomes for society, including dramatic reductions in poverty. Yet, people are still inclined to be suspicious of the market and resistant to the idea that government interventions cause economic distortions,...
Summary: Politicians mislead us by using terms like “working class” and “working families.” Don’t all families work? Rather than substantive differences between business owners and “workers,” every household is a going concern, selling a product. But the system is rigged against those household businesses that sell labor services to other businesses. Additional Reading The Anti-Capitalistic...
Summary: Every mass shooting in the past has been exploited by the Democratic Party to argue for more gun control. However, the left has used the latest tragedy as an excuse to attack the First Amendment, rather than the Second. Additional Reading Testing the Limits of Free Speech The Ethics of Liberty Free Gift from...
Summary: Stock markets are tumbling, inflation is roaring, and recession warnings are flashing. Americans are told to blame Covid-19 and Russian president Vladimir Putin. But Carol Roth says government bureaucrats merely used Covid as an opportunity to destroy small businesses and consolidate power. She joins Tom to discuss her latest book, The War on Small...
Summary: The U.S. government is trying to pass a bill to send another $40 billion in military aid to Ukraine. The bill sailed through the House of Representatives and is expected to pass the Senate despite Senator Rand Paul’s procedural delay. While many have pointed out this money is being spent while Americans suffer with...